Subscribe to the Passion Week Experience
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
— Romans 5:8
An Experience to Remember
For centuries, earnest believers have observed the “Stations of the Cross,” or the Via Dolorosa (“The Way of Sorrow”) as a devotional exercise to reflect on the importance of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Early believers sought to more fully remember the events of the Passion Week by setting up trails, with guided stops along the way, built to remind themselves of various events leading up to the crucifixion.
The Winning Walk has created a unique collection of devotionals to help you remember some of these historical events, and to lead you to worship God for the amazing sacrifice He made on our behalf.
These devotionals highlight a collection of eight actions, items and locations associated with the events surrounding the betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus. We recommend that you first read the selections from God’s Word, then watch the video that explains the significance of the elements described in the devotional.

Palm Sunday
Christ’s entry into Jerusalem marks the beginning of Passion Week as Jesus enters the city for the last time.

Last Supper
Passover refers to the most significant event in Israel’s history. It is a meal that is rich in symbolism as it recalls the time when the Jews who had become slaves in Egypt were protected from the death of their firstborn

Garden of Gethsemane
As they entered the garden, Jesus asked Peter, James, and John to “watch and pray” while He went deeper into the garden where He would spend time with His Father on this fateful night before His death on the Cross.

Instruments of Suffering
The Romans knew how to beat a man within an inch of his life, and victims went into shock within minutes, and many died from their wounds. Jesus would have been chained to either side of a low wooden pillar, stripped, and then lashed on every part of his body.

His Cross
Jesus would have been stripped, then nailed to the cross with thick spikes at least five inches long – then the cross lifted into place to make His suffering a humiliating public spectacle.

The Jewish Sabbath was to begin at sunset, some haste was needed to remove the body of Jesus from the Cross and begin preparations for His burial. Joseph and Nicodemus, assisted by some of the women, prepared the body according to traditional Jewish burial customs.

Our Cross
We deserved to die for sin, but Christ died for us. We were alienated from God, but Christ reconciled us to him. We were slaves to sin, but Christ set us free by paying the ransom for us. His death on the Cross was the payment for our sins, the only payment required.
Resurrection Day
Join Dr. Ed Young at Second Baptist Church for a live Easter worship service Sunday morning at 9:30am CST.