Defeat Fear With Faith in These Challenging Times!

Years ago, I met a man named Jack. He was a truck driver – drove around the state making deliveries to little grocery stores. Years of being on the road began to take their toll on his life and the lives of his wife and daughter. He began having affairs, which led to more affairs. He also dug himself into massive gambling debt.
I had the privilege of sharing the gospel with Jack. With tears in his eyes he placed his faith in Jesus and turned his life over to the Lord. His relationship with his family was healed and within a few years he was winning souls to Christ.
One day I asked him, “Jack, what’s been the biggest change in your life since coming to the Lord?” And without flinching, he told me, “I’m not afraid anymore.”
He went on, “I used to be afraid all the time – afraid some woman’s husband would shoot me… or afraid some debt collector would track me down. But now in Christ, that fear is gone.”
Sin always carries with it fear. And the only way to defeat that fear is to deal with your sin by faith.
King David was another man well acquainted with fear.
O Lord, how my adversaries have increased!
Many are rising up against me.
Many are saying of my soul,
“There is no deliverance for him in God.”Psalms 3:1-2
But though David had so many reasons to fear – and he certainly wasn’t perfect – he remembered where he had put his faith. He says in verse 3…
But You, O Lord, are a shield about me,
My glory, and the One who lifts my head.Psalms 3:3
With so many reasons to fear today, remember the words of King David. Have faith that the Lord is a shield about you. Remember He is your glory and the One who lifts your head in these challenging times.
And by faith, He will cast out every fear!