Discover the antidote to Bible apathy!

A few years back, GQ magazine ran an article entitled 21 Books You Don’t Have to Read. Listed right there at number 12 was the Bible.
That’s quite a shock, isn’t it? I’m sure that, like believers everywhere, you fundamentally disagree!
The trouble is, it’s very easy to say we’re people of the Word when in practice we’re not actually growing in our knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures. It’s easy to say we’re building our lives on the Bible, but in reality days go by when we’re just too busy to pick it up and read…
Jesus Himself gives us the antidote to this kind of Bible apathy. Let me take you to Matthew 22. It’s that pivotal moment when a lawyer asks Jesus to define the greatest commandment.
You’ll know the answer…
“And He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind’.”Matthew 22:37
Often, we focus on the state of our heart and soul – but it’s critical we don’t neglect Jesus’ command to also love God with all our mind.
In my decades as a pastor, I’ve seen time and again how crucial it is for believers to engage their intellect in grappling with the deep truths of God’s Word. It’s not a one-season activity – it’s a lifetime endeavor!
If you’ve ever fractured a bone or spent time immobile, you’ll know what happens when a muscle doesn’t get used. It atrophies, it wastes away. It’s the same with the muscle of our mind – it needs exercising to grow strong and effective. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it!
So if you’ve let your Bible reading slip, take a breath right now and get back on your feet. Start working out in the Word!
And if you have been faithfully powering on in the depths of God’s Word, keep going! Don’t be tempted to rest on your laurels!
Friend, the reason The Winning Walk exists is to help you engage with our incredible God with your heart, your soul, and your mind. I pray that as you do that in the coming days, your love for Him will grow and grow!