Experience God’s Presence

Watch television or scroll through social media and you’ll see ad after ad promising everything you could want for a satisfying life—health, wealth, beauty, youth… the list goes on and on.
But you don’t have to try every product on the market to know that when it comes to true satisfaction, they all come up short. Why is that?
Because nothing in this world can satisfy you like time in God’s presence.
Ask Elijah, who after feeling depleted was renewed when God whispered to him in a still, small voice on Mt. Horeb. Or Peter, who after receiving the Holy Spirit, spoke boldly to crowds about the risen Savior—and 3,000 were saved.
Ask the woman at the well, the hardened outcast, who after one conversation with Jesus, ran back to tell everyone who’d been avoiding her the Good News of God’s Kingdom.
Time in God’s presence renews, inspires, and transforms—and that’s the incredible gift you share with so many through your support of The Winning Walk.
Thanks to you, people all around the world are finding true satisfaction in Christ. And I’m so grateful.