Check out The Winning Walk on YouTube!

Did you know that there are hours of The Winning Walk’s content online, just waiting to encourage you?
Dr. Young’s YouTube channel is updated regularly with fresh content from his sermons. You can find weekly postings of messages from Dr. Young and even join him in real time through the livestreaming of special events.
Have you ever heard a message by Dr. Young and wished that a loved one had been able to hear it? Now you can use The Winning Walk’s YouTube channel to share those messages of proven truth with anyone, anywhere in the world!
This channel also provides an easy way for you to watch messages on the go. You don’t have to miss out on being encouraged, even when you’re sick or traveling.
Just head to YouTube on any computer or pull up the app on your phone and search for Dr. Ed Young. Don’t forget to subscribe so that you never miss a message!