You can Share the Gospel with Confidence

Imagine for a moment that I discovered a new fruit that could cure all cancer. Wow! What a breakthrough that would be. Wouldn’t that be good news? Imagine further then, that I decided to keep it to myself and not tell anybody else about it. What kind of person would I be? Mean. Vindictive. Heartless! That’s what I’d be.
The same is true of the life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you and I have received Jesus as Lord and Savior and then don’t tell others we know and love about Him—the One who heals and cures and forgives all—how heartless is that? The world needs the “fruit that cures all cancer” and time is running out!
You don’t need to know all the answers when you share the Gospel of Jesus. It’s enough to simply say,
“I just know that when I confessed my sin and invited Jesus into my life, He made me new again. And He promises that if you follow Him, you’ll be cured of sin too.”
That’s the Gospel, and we mustn’t be timid in telling everyone we know about it.
We must spread that Good News!
In Jesus’ time on earth, there were plenty of people who started following Him but walked away in the end. When this happened in John 6:67–69, Jesus asked Peter and the other disciples, “You do not want to go away also, do you?” And Peter’s response was brilliant, saying, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.”
Peter got it—there is nowhere else to go but to Jesus. It’s in Him only that you, your friends, family, and neighbors have hope for eternal life. Like me, I’m sure there have been times when you have been too busy, have put off doing it, haven’t wanted somebody to have a different opinion of you, haven’t wanted to seem “holier than thou”… or you simply haven’t made the time.
Today, this week, this year, remember that Jesus alone has the words of eternal life. In Him is final and complete spiritual healing and renewal. And then, with grace and love, go out and tell the world the Good News!