
Bridge to belief

September 02, 2018
…for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness… - ROMANS 10:10

As a young man, I dreamt of being an engineer, and building bridges. Something about a span that combined grace and strength that flew over a chasm and linked separate masses of land fascinated me. When God called me to preach the Gospel, my yen for bridge-building didn’t die.

The human heart is a bridge, linking the individual with belief. Upon that span, you move from no faith to faith. Believing is entrusting your weight to something. Drive out on a bridge, and you rely on its sturdiness to hold you up.

The heart-bridge leads you to saving faith. This is that first “landing,” on the other side of the bridge. It is the place where you begin your journey on the faith-side, the moment you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior. That means the heart-bridge also leads you to progressive faith, resulting in righteousness. Once you cross the heart-bridge to belief, you are on a pilgrimage of growth in Christ, by which God can transform you into His very character.

If you haven’t crossed the belief-bridge, do so today by receiving Christ as your Savior. If you have crossed the bridge, ask the Lord for strength and direction to continue the journey of faith.

Categories: Devotionals> Tags: Romans
