Cut the ropes and set sail
And so we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. - 2 PETER 1:19
You don’t really appreciate the morning star until you cut the ropes and sail far out to sea. A man spent summers visiting marinas and looking at sailboats. Some folk appeared every weekend, got on their boats, slept in the bunks and barbecued on the decks, but never left the dock. “We went sailing!” they reported to friends.
Others untied, eased out of the harbor and headed for the open water, where they unfurled the sails and ran before the wind. They also reported they went sailing—and they really did. In the old days, those who ventured far from land relied on the stars for navigation. Landlubbers might have a passing interest in the stars, but mariners rely on them.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Morning Star of the heart. Stay at the docks and He won’t seem important to you. But set sail for the high seas of discipleship and service, and He will be your everything!
Energize your relationship with Jesus Christ by setting sail for the open seas of discipleship and service.