Daily quiet time

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. - JAMES 4:8
God gives us a remarkable gift! It’s the gift of a new day with the opportunity for a fresh start to do things His way. I would encourage you to begin your gift of a new day with prayer and God’s Word. A regular DQT – Daily Quiet Time – will help you get and keep your heart and mind focused on the Lord and His plan for your day.
It works best for me to have this “divine appointment” in the mornings, but if another time works better for you, that’s great. Just make sure you guard that time for Him. I would also suggest designating a location that will become your regular DQT spot. For me, it’s a chair in a special place in my house. Choose a setting that helps you draw near to God, because He very much wants to draw near to you, and He will. Then get ready for your relationship with Christ to grow deeper and sweeter new day after new day.