
Is your focus right this Christmas?

December 03, 2019
“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” - John 14:7

Have you ever talked with someone who just got new glasses, or who had laser surgery to correct their vision? What they are likely to say is something like, “Wow, I can see so much better now!”

A lot of us see God unfocused. God is dehumanized, depersonalized, and viewed – as one philosopher said – as “an oblong blur.” When I say the word “God,” are you able to focus on Him?

Christmas is God focused!  In the fullness of time, in perfect harmony with prophecy, God came down the stairs of heaven with a baby in His arms and entered history. On that first Christmas, God sent Jesus, so it would be possible for us to hear, see, and know God. Focus on the birth of Jesus this Christmas, and the holiness, majesty and love of God will become clear to you!

Categories: Devotionals> Tags: christmas, John