Lift Him Up 2025

"He must increase, but I must decrease."John 3:30
Years ago, a pastor friend of mine told me about an elderly woman in his congregation. She might have been 100 years old, but she was there every Sunday and she sat right in the front of the sanctuary. Sometimes, if a visiting speaker filled his message with stories and illustrations, you would hear the woman whisper, “Lift Him up!” And if the speaker just continued in the same vein, she would get a little louder, “Lift Him up!” If the speaker did not present Jesus Christ with power, and honor, and glory, you can be sure he was in for a long day!
Ladies and gentlemen, that is our purpose too. We are to reflect the light of Christ, and in every way we can, we are to lift Him up. When we lift up the Lord Jesus Christ, great things can – and do – happen!