Mysteries of the heart

Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. - 1 CORINTHIANS 4:1
Mystery lies at the core of my heart. I can’t explain why God would love and use an average, small-town guy, sitting on a stump at the University of Alabama, struggling with his personal identity and destiny. Many had more ability and talent, were more “churchy” in their lifestyle. Yet God was kind and gracious, chose me for eternal life in Christ and service as a pastor. That makes me know I am here only by His grace and kindness.
The greatest mysteries were not penned by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle nor Agatha Christie, but by the Holy Spirit: Why God would love the world, and why, specifically, He would love you and me! Whether we understand it or not, we are “stewards”—earthly keepers—of that mystery, and have the responsibility of sharing it with others. Don’t wait for your heart to understand, share the “mystery” of God’s love with someone today!
Ponder the way you are “managing” the mystery of salvation granted to you, and ask God to help you be an effective steward of His mysteries