Not optional

"Do not be overcome by evil; but overcome evil with good."Romans 12:21
If we want to see our culture redeemed by Christ, it is our responsibility to be like salt and like light as we penetrate and illuminate the world around us. We’re familiar with these metaphors, but how do we apply them in daily life? Where do we start?
Here are four practical things we can do each day. One, begin with prayer. Ask God what he wants you to do to have a positive influence for Him. Two, get your priorities right. For most of us, that begins with faithful attendance in Worship and Bible Study. Three, speak up, and speak out, on spiritual things and the truths of God’s Word. And four, take a stand for Christ, and become part of what he is doing in our church and in our community. In other words, in every arena of life, simply represent Christ humbly, intelligently, and in love.