Spiritual Elegance

"For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."1 Samuel 16:7
When Mother Teresa died in 1997, the world was engrossed by the death and funeral of Princess Diana. As we watched the grandeur and majesty of Diana’s funeral, we were captivated by the footage and photos of this Princess who was the picture of elegance – a beautiful, proper, stately member of Great Britain’s royal family. Little was shown at the time about Mother Teresa.
Quite the opposite in appearance from the Princess, Mother Teresa had been a bent over, wrinkled woman of small stature. Yet Mother Teresa was the picture of spiritual elegance – a beautiful, proper, stately member of God’s family. God does not look at outward appearance, but He looks at the heart. When we have God’s purpose at the center of our hearts, real beauty will flow forth. What about you? Is your heart occupied by Christ and His purposes? If so, I can say without hesitation, you are beautiful.