The great daily makeover

Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. - 2 CORINTHIANS 4:16
The loss of heart is discouragement. Inspiration fades when there’s no hope of improvement. When I received Christ into my life at 11, I was not an instant spiritual giant. I could have looked at the godly people I respected and lost heart because of the spiritual growth gap.
But accepting Christ launches the “Great Daily Makeover.” Gradually, we are transformed into Christ’s image. (ROMANS 8:29) This occurs daily, in tiny increments, as we fellowship consistently with Him through prayer, His word and worship.
A wealthy, cultured gentleman adopts a street waif. The day the adoption papers are signed, the boy is in the family. But daily he has to learn how to live as a member of the family. It takes years to transform a kid off the streets into a polished person.
I had 11 years to learn how to be a sinner. I still have a long way to go to measure “to the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (EPHESIANS 4:13), but my heart is encouraged with the fact that daily His “Great Makeover” is progressing!
Pray for accelerated spiritual growth and for the encouragement of know that as you commune daily with Christ His “Great Makeover” is advancing in you.