The Heart that Misses it

"And whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” … You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. - JOHN 14:13; JAMES 4:2-3
Sometimes we don’t believe our prayers are answered when actually we have rejected God’s true answer. A man was in the desert, desperately thirsty. Hope stirred as he spotted a traveler walking toward him. “Water!” the thirsty man pled.
“I have no water,” replied the traveler, “but I will give you my necktie.”
“I don’t want your necktie; I want water!” With that, the thirsty man crawled away. Just around a sand dune, he spotted a restaurant, and dragged himself in, knowing at last he would get water.
“Sorry,” said the maitre’d, “but we can’t let you in without a necktie.”
God loves us so much, He gives us precisely what our heart needs, not what the heart may want at that moment. God knows when we really need the necktie in the desert!
Seek God for the heart to receive what He wills to give you, even if it’s not what you asked for.