The squeezed heart

From His dwelling place He looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth, He who fashions the hearts of them all, He who understands all their works. - PSALM 33:14-15
When God “fashions” a heart, He “squeezes” it into shape. That’s the literal meaning of the Hebrew word in the Psalm.
First, God forms the heart it into a biological organ, capable of pumping blood through our bodies. But there’s another “fashioning” that must come. Regarding the first, you and I have no choice. As infants inside our mothers, we don’t choose the design of our physical heart. But to have the second formation of the heart, we must decide.
The first forming is for temporal function, but the second is for the heart’s eternal operation. We choose freely whether or not we will allow the Lord to fashion our heart spiritually. The spiritual heart, as the physical, cannot function without God’s “squeezing.” We cannot make it beat through our religious efforts, good deeds and moral behavior.
Like a skilled surgeon reaching inside a person’s chest and squeezing a heart until it beats on its own, God gets our spiritual heart going. Squeezing is not always comfortable, but there’s no life without it!
Ask God to continue to shape your heart according to His design and purpose