Genuine Relationship 2025
February 12, 2025
"Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master."Romans 12:11
I once heard a preacher say he could stand in the pulpit and preach in his sleep! Thank God that’s not true for most preachers. But actually, any one of us can lose our fire and simply go through the motions spiritually. In my office I have the Olympic Torch that I was honored to carry in the 2002 Winter Games. Its inscription reads, “Light the Fire Within.” Whenever we find ourselves going through the motions in our faith, we need to light the fire within us with prayer, God’s Word, and serving others.
So ask God to fuel your desire to pray, to spend time in the Bible, and to impact others with service. Such a spiritual breakthrough can ignite your life and change your world.