True or False?

"End all wickedness, O Lord, and bless all who truly worship God, for you the righteous God, look deep within the hearts of men and examine all their motives and their thoughts."Psalms 7:9
Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It is what you know for sure that ain’t true.” In Psalm 7, we find David victimized by lies and half-truths. So he takes his plea for deliverance and justice to Heaven’s courtroom, where God tries the motives of the heart and the thoughts of the mind against the standard of His truth. Jesus said that we will know the truth and that truth will make us free. But believing something is true when it’s not leads us into captivity – especially when that falsehood impacts our standing before God and His plan and purpose for our lives. So in a culture filled with myths, lies and half-truths, it is vital that we discern what is true and what is false, because only God’s truth, and His truth alone, can set us free from sin’s bondage.