Twice His

But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!” - ISAIAH 43:1
There’s a shop with model sailboats I like to visit, and when I do I think of a Dutch boy I heard about who spent months crafting a functional toy sailboat. Then he would take it to the canals and launch the little vessel, retrieving it with a stick.
One day a wind carried the model boat out to sea. The boy was brokenhearted. Months later, he spotted his lost boat in a shop window. The merchant said he had no way of proving he had built the boat, and the lad had to buy it back. The young man clutched the little boat, and said, “I made you and I bought you. You are twice mine!”
God created you, but the day came when an ill wind arose, and you set the sail of your heart to run before it. You were lost from your Maker. But with the immense price of Jesus’ blood, God bought you back and purified your heart. You are twice His!
Consider the imagery of your heart as a sail. What winds drive it? Yield your heart to the wind of the Holy Spirit. Praise God for recovering you when you were lost.