You Can’t Get Too Much

"But the Lord answered and said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; but only one thing is necessary; for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.'"Luke 10:41-42
When Mary and Martha welcomed Jesus into their home, Martha was too busy with her homemaking preparations to delight in His presence … but Mary “chose the good part,” and was content to sit at the feet of Jesus for as long as He would stay.
I’m reminded of an ancient Arab legend about a group of riders entering a village. They approached a fearful young peasant. The leader instructed the young man to reach down and pick up some sand and place it in his pocket. The peasant obeyed, and the riders left. The following morning, the peasant reached into his pocket, expecting to find the sand. Instead he pulled out a handful of diamonds! He was thrilled but quickly thought, “I wish I had picked up more sand!”
God values our devotion to Him more than any activity or service. Choose to worship at the feet of Jesus … and remain awhile longer. I guarantee you’ll find diamonds there.